Blogs @Jonah's Math Corner

有价值的数学教育 Value and Methods in Math Edu


主讲人: Jonah Luo

(If you prefer to read English, please scroll to the bottom of this page.)

9 月 27 日下午 2.00 – 4.00, Jonah Luo 为中小学生的家长 作了 “给孩子有价值的数学教育”。

在报告中,Jonah Luo 介绍了中西数学教育的不同思路,并且通过具体的例子说明怎么样培养孩子学习的兴趣,启发探索和引导掌握方法。也回答了家长们关心的问题,对当下公立学校的数学教育,流行的数学辅导机构的长处与问题做了具体说明。在谈到数学教育的意义时,既指出来随着社会发展数学教育也会更新内容,不仅为培养科学家和工程师,而且也塑造全面发展的合格公民: 提升孩子分析解决问题的能力,掌握科学方法,欣赏数学和科学的美 — 美在和谐与严谨。
在指出数学和科学教育对于个人和社会发展的意义,他表示不赞成过分拔高,灌输式和突击式培养尖子的教育方式。主张从社会需要出发,让孩子真正掌握方法,为未来成才打好基础。对于确有天赋,愿意挑战数学的孩子,可以在较高年级给他们吃一些小灶,鼓励他们参加竞赛活动。而参赛的态度是 “胜固可喜,败亦欣然” — 其实参赛本身就是开眼界,提高解题的实际能力; 把得失看淡一点,从中才会走出真正的人才。也只有如此,参赛才可以让更多学生受益。

在未来,为着进一步推广数学教育的正确理念,可能会组织一些 Workshop,通过专题讲解实际问题,把好的数学教育理念落到实处。

*** *** *** ***

以下的内容包含这次讲座的介绍, 以及若干链接到讲座提纲和例子。

这是一个对所有感兴趣家长开放的讲座。 数学教育的价值在哪里?只是用来培养工程师和科学家的吗?学生在数学课上学的是什么?是事实,方法,还是窍门?愿动脑筋的习惯是怎样养成的?怎样引导?聚焦点是中小学阶段的数学教育。
在以上提示的主题下,我们将用具体的例子,介绍一些让孩子真正学到数学的教育方法。 如时间允许,我们也将探讨中西教育思想的不同及短长; 及在今天的商业化和数字化时代,数学教育面临的挑战和发展方向。

讲座的时间是 9 月 27 日下午 2.00 – 4.00 。
地址: #207 5010 4th Street NE.
费用: 自由捐助, 进门: 到达后在楼下按 207.


本次讲座由 Alberta Chinese Family Service 及下属的教育组主办。
捐助自愿; 捐款进入教育组的基金,用于补助以后举办活动的开支。


链接到 本次讲座的提纲 [ 讲时可能有所调整。]

部分数学实例 (请点击下面图形; 更多实例将稍后贴出)。


Tetra -1-s15
Symmetry -01


Title-Kangaroo - 1





F. Using of Symbols

G. Patterns with Faces and the Touch Magic

H. Fraction Addition / Represent Fractions






Value and Methods in Math Education

Lecture by Jonah Luo

On September 27th 2015, Jonah Luo delivered a lecture for the parents of kids and teens on the topic Value and Method in Math Education.

In the speech,Jonah Luo introduced the ideas of math education in China and in Western world, and showed how to arose kids’ interest in learning, inspire students to explore, and guide them to learn the methods. He also answered questions from parents, including the pros and cons for public school system and private tutoring institutions and companies.

Math education is not only for scientists and engineers, it is also a must for smooth functioning of individuals as well as the society. Jonah does not approve for the education aiming at producing genius and prodigies, but suggests a proper math education shall go hand-in-hand with the needs of the society. For those with gifts in math and science, it is a good idea to encourage them to participate in math challenges and contests, but never to an extent that frustrates a student so much to lose the interest in math. If, instead of a score of one math test or contest, we look further beyond for the growth in students. then they are less stressed and focus more on mastering math methods — from there real math masters will emerge and shine like stars.

In future times, workshops may be organized so as to spread the rationale and value for a proper math education.
In these future workshops, we will focus on a series of topics that are of importance to the math education in specific age groups. Please keep paying attention to the math education.

*** *** *** ***
Below this line is the introduction to this lecture, as well as some links to the outline of this talk as well as some related math examples.


The lecture is open to ALL parents who are interested.

What is the value of math education? Is it only for training engineers or scientists? What do students learn at math lessons? Is it facts, methods, or tricks /tips? How to cultivate a generation who are willing to use their brains to think? How to lead them? The focus is on the math education in the basic education stage (primary /middle /high schools).

The lecture will be held on September 27th from 2 to 4 pm.
Address: #207 5010 4th Street NE
(When you get to the building, press 207 for entrance.)
Admission by Donation.


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